(714) 630-5777

At D&R Machine, our staff is experienced at assembling equipment and building machines. Whether your project requires precise and careful welding or brazing, component mounting, specialized riveting and fastening, or general assembly as per your specifications, D&R Machine's machinists and engineers will be able to get the job done so that your project can be ready for use immediately.
From industrial control panels to wiring to cable manufacturing, electrical assembly is at the heart of all industrial processes throughout all applications from data to power and more. With the mechanical design of any machine comes the need for a means to control how a process is performed and when it is performed through electricity.
Whether your machine is operated with pushbuttons and switches from a central control panel or a graphical HMI (Human Machine Interface), electrical assemblies in industry allow for operators to directly control either a manual machine or a machine that is fully automated. Almost all machines are powered and controlled by a control panel housed in an electrical enclosure, with various cables and wires running through it via conduit or any sort of mechanical protection.
Control panels and many electrical machine interfaces require a level of circuit protection to protect operators and the system from electricity. This typically comes in the form of circuit breakers and fuses, which regulates the incoming power from an high voltage outlet from a facility—typically 120V or 240V.
When circuit protection is installed, control components are added to an assembly to deliver power to specific components of a machine, whether it be a motor, actuator, or any critical component. Whether this process is enabled by an electro-mechanical relay or a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), it is through these components that operators are able to hit a button to enable a process or pull an emergency stop to shut down the system.

Electrical assembly also includes more than electrical component selection for a control panel. From choosing the appropriate enclosure to withstand harsh environmental conditions to powering heaters and coolers to wire termination and cable assembly and pushbutton installation, electrical assembly is a complex process that often requires a custom solution for your specific application to ensure you have a product that both functions as intended and is easy to use and understand by either you or your operators and technicians.

At D&R Machine, our experts in electrical assembly and controls engineering can build your industrial electrical project. Whether the job starts completely from scratch or is a based off a design you provide, we can ensure that your final product perfectly fits the requirements for your use case from an outdoor setting to within a production facility. From cables to control panels, our electrical assembly projects are built for ease of use, functionality, and the intention to keep all end users safe from operational hazards.
For electrical assemblies, controls engineering, machining, or other assembly services, contact D&R Machine and get started working our shop today.