(714) 630-5777

At D&R Machine, our staff is experienced at assembling equipment and building machines. Whether your project requires precise and careful welding or brazing, component mounting, specialized riveting and fastening, or general assembly as per your specifications, D&R Machine's machinists and engineers will be able to get the job done so that your project can be ready for use immediately.
Brazing, similar to welding, is a metal-joining process where heat is applied to a filler metal which then melts and joins with the workpiece. Unlike welding, brazing does not involve heating the workpiece to the point it melts—as such, the filler metal must maintain a lower melting point than the workpiece material. When considering between the two processes, it is important to determine whether or not your project is sensitive to relatively higher thermal processing, of which brazing is more desirable when lower heat input is needed.
Brazing is a common process in many industries for its cost efficiency, lower risk of component distortion and damage, optimal use when bonding smaller sized gaps, and versatility in material use among many other benefits. Without needing the specialized training that welding typically requires, brazing can be a very ideal alternative when bonding metals together.

At D&R Machine, our wealth of expertise in brazing allows us to be a versatile and effective problem solver for businesses looking to simplify the assembly process. Our staff of machinists and engineers have hands-on experience with brazing in small-scale to large-scale projects. This allows our customers to reduce their expenses correcting less than ideal finishes and ultimately receiving a properly brazed assembly in terms of cosmetic appearance and functionality.
For brazing, machining, or other assembly services, contact D&R Machine and get started working our shop today.